Blocks code architecture


The blocks design paradigm was created to avoid code duplication and enable composing tests faster.

TestBlock is a building block for tests, commonly responsible for a single action or a small set of actions. It inherits from unittest’s TestCase, enabling it test-like behavior (self.skipTest, self.assertEqual,, etc.), and the Rotest infrastructure expands its behavior to also be function-like (to have “inputs” and “outputs”).

TestFlow is a test composed of TestBlock instances (or other sub-test flows), passing them their ‘inputs’ and putting them together, enabling them to share data between each other. A TestFlow can lock resources much like Rotest’s TestCase, which it passes to all the blocks under it.

The flow’s final result depends on the result of the blocks under it by the following order:

  • If some block had an error, the flow ends with an error.
  • If some block had a failure, the flow ends with a failure.
  • Otherwise, the flow succeeds.

See also mode in the TestBlock’s “Features” segment below for more information about the run mechanism of a TestFlow.



  1. blocks: static list or tuple of the blocks’ classes of the flow. You can parametrize blocks in this section, in order to pass data to them (see Sharing data section or explanation in the TestBlock features section).
  2. Rotest’s TestCase features: run delta, filter by tags, running in multiprocess, TIMEOUT, etc. are available also for TestFlow class.


  1. inputs: define a static list or tuple in the new block’s class of fields the block needs to run. For example, defining in the block’s scope

    class DemoBlock(TestBlock):
        inputs = ('field_name', 'other_field')

    will validate that the block instance will have all those field before running the parent flow. The inputs validation (which happens before running the topmost flow) passes if those fields are present in the block (e.g. the fields were set using parametrize), or if a previous sibling component will share those fields in runtime.

  2. outputs: define a static list or tuple in the new block’s class of fields the block would share in its run. For example, defining in the block’s scope

    class DemoBlock(TestBlock):
        outputs = ('field_name', 'other_field')

    means declaring that the block would calculate and share (using the share_data method) those fields, so that components following the block would get those fields at runtime. Declaring inputs and outputs of blocks is not mandatory, but it’s a good way to make sure that the blocks “click” together properly, and no block will be missing fields at runtime.

Common features (for both flows and blocks)

  1. resources: you can specify resources for the test flow or block, just like in Rotest’s TestCase class. The resources of a flow will automatically propagate to the components under it.

  2. parametrize (also params): used to pass values to blocks or sub-flows, see example in the Sharing data section. Note that calling parametrize() or params() doesn’t actually instantiate the component, but just saves values to be passed to it when it will be run.

  3. mode: this field can be defined statically in the component’s class or passed to the instance using ‘parametrize’ (parametrized fields override class fields of blocks, since they are injected into the instance). Blocks and sub-flows can run in one of the following modes (which are defined in rotest.core.flow_component)

    1. MODE_CRITICAL: upon failure or error, end the flow’s run, skipping the following components (except those with mode MODE_FINALLY). Use this mode for blocks or sub-flows that do actions that are mandatory for the continuation of the test.
    2. MODE_OPTIONAL: upon error only, end the flow’s run, skipping the following components (except those with mode MODE_FINALLY). Use this mode for block or sub-flows that are not critical for the continuation of the test (since a failure in them doesn’t stop the flow).
    3. MODE_FINALLY: components with this mode aren’t skipped even if the flow has already failed and stopped. Upon failure or error, end the flow’s run, skipping the following components (except those with mode MODE_FINALLY). Use this mode for example in blocks or sub-flows that do cleanup actions (which we should always attempt), much like things you would normally put in ‘tearDown’ of tests.
  4. request_resources: blocks and flows can dynamically request resources, calling request_resources(requests) method (see Rotest tutorial and documentation for more information).

    Since those are dynamic requests, don’t forget to release those resources when they are not needed by calling

        <dict of the dynamically locked resources, name: instance>)

    Resources can be locked locally and globally in regarding to the containing flow, i.e. by locking the resources using the parent’s method:


    The parent flow and all the sibling components would also have them.

Sharing data

Sharing data between blocks (getting inputs and passing outputs) is crucial to writing simple, manageable, and independent blocks. Passing data to blocks (for them to use as ‘inputs’ parameters for the block’s run, much like arguments for a function) can be done in one of the following methods:

  • Locking resources - the resources the flow locks are injected into its components’ instances (note that blocks can also lock resources, but they don’t propagate them up or down). E.g. if a flow locks a resource with name ‘res1’, then all its components would have the field ‘res1’ which points to the locked resource.

  • Sharing data - if one block writes somewhere in its test method:


    then all the components under the parent flow are injected (into their instance - self) where the field field_name is with value value.

  • Setting initial data to the test flow - you can set initial data to the components of flows by writing:

    class DemoFlow(TestFlow):
        common = {'field_name': 5,
                  'other_field': 'abc'}

    This will inject field_name=5 and other_field='abc' as fields of the flow and its components before starting its run, so the blocks would also have access to those fields. This is the same as sharing those fields at the beginning of the flow’s setUp method, using share_data().

  • Using parametrize - you can specify fields for blocks or flows by calling their ‘parametrize’ class method.

    For example:

    class DemoFlow(TestFlow):
        blocks = (DemoBlock,

    will create two blocks under the DemoFlow, one DemoBlock block with the default values for field_name and other_field (which can be set by defining them as class fields for the block for example, see optional inputs and fields section), and a second DemoBlock with field_name=5 and other_field='abc' injected into the block instance (at runtime).


class DoSomethingBlock(TestBlock):
    """A block that does something.

        resource1 (object): resource the block uses.
        input2 (object): input for the block.
        optional3 (object): optional input for the block.
    mode = MODE_CRITICAL
    inputs = ('resource1', 'input2')

    optional3 = 0

    def test_method(self):
        """Do something.""""Doing something")
        self.resource1.do_something(self.input2, self.optional3)


class DemoFlow(TestFlow):
    """Demo test-flow."""
    resources = (request('resource1', SomeResourceClass,

    common = {'input2': INPUT_VALUE}

    blocks = (DemoBlock1,


A flow may contain not only test-block, but also test-flows under it. This feature can be used to wrap together blocks that tend to come together and also to create sub-procedures (if a test block is comparable to a simple function - it may have inputs and outputs and does a simple action, then a sub-flow can be considered a complex function, which invokes other simpler functions). Note that a sub-flow behaves exactly like a block, meaning, you can call parametrize on it, set a mode to it, it can’t be filtered or skipped with delta, etc. This can give extra flexibility when composing flows with complex scenarios, for example:


If you want that block B will only run if block A passed, and that block D will only run if block C passed, but also to keep A and C not dependent, doing so is impossible without the usage of sub flows. But the scenario can be coded in the following manner:

|___SubFlow1 (mode optional)
    |___BlockA (mode critical)
    |___BlockB (mode critical)
|___SubFlow2 (mode optional)
    |___BlockC (mode critical)
    |___BlockD (mode critical)

Anonymous test-flows

Sub-flows can be created on-the-spot using the ‘create_flow’ function, to avoid defining classes. The functions gets the following arguments:

  • blocks - list of the flow’s components.
  • name - name of the flow, default value is “AnonymousTestFlow”, but it’s recommended to override it.
  • mode - mode of the new flow. Either MODE_CRITICAL, MODE_OPTIONAL or MODE_FINALLY. Default is MODE_CRITICAL.
  • common - dict of initial fields and values for the new flow, same as the class variable ‘common’, default is empty dict.
from rotest.core.flow import TestFlow, create_flow

class DemoFlow(TestFlow):
    """Demo test-flow."""
    resources = (request('resource1', SomeResourceClass,

    blocks = (DemoBlock1,
                          common={"input2": "value1"}
                          common={"input2": "value2"}

Optional inputs and fields

Mainly for convenience purposes, we sometimes want to have default values for fields of blocks (inputs), just like we want default values for functions’ arguments. Doing so is possible using the fact that passing inputs to blocks is done by injecting fields into their instance. For example:

class DemoBlock(TestBlock):
    """Demo block.

        argument1 (number): block's first argument.
        argument2 (number): block's second argument.
        argument3 (number): block's third argument.
    mode = MODE_CRITICAL
    inputs = ('argument1', 'argument2', 'argument3')

    argument2 = 0  # Setting default value to 0
    argument3 = 1  # Setting default value to 1

    def test_method(self):

Defining the block so is equivalent to defining the following function:

def DemoBlock(argument1, argument2=0, argument3=1):

Doing so, means that you wouldn’t have to pass values to the block for the parameters ‘argument2’ and ‘argument3’ (on ways of passing values to block’s parameters, see the Sharing data section), meaning that all the following instantiations wouldn’t raise an error due to input validation:

DemoBlock.params(argument1=5)  # arguments = 5,0,1
DemoBlock.params(argument1=5,argument2=3)  # arguments = 5,3,1
DemoBlock.params(argument1=5,argument3=4)  # arguments = 5,0,4
DemoBlock.params(argument1=5,argument2=3,argument3=6)  # arguments = 5,3,6